Sundays at Heart of the Rockies Christian Church

Join us Sunday mornings
9 a.m. Education Hour (adults)
10 a.m. Worship
11 a.m. Fellowship
At Heart of the Rockies Church, what we do is simple and profound.
Love God. Serve others.
After that, it’s up to you.
All are welcome — get to know us
Like many houses of worship, we pray and sing and laugh and cry. We ask questions and ponder solutions. Most powerfully, we get stuff done. We are a congregation of unapologetic doers.

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

It all began on the frontier in the early 1800s as a movement to unify Christians and restore the church along the lines of New Testament authority and practice. Disciples, as we call ourselves, have beliefs and practices characteristic of our congregation and many other Disciples churches, including open communion, baptism by immersion, the unity of the Church, freedom of belief, the ministry of all, the oneness of creation, and a passion to serve.
Disciples of Christ

Connecting with others is connecting with our faith

You don’t have to be a Christian to check us out. We welcome folks who are searching spiritually and those who are simply curious about Christianity. We won’t try to twist your religious arm. We rejoice in a God who invites, not coerces.
Get involved

Committed to inclusion

We welcome into membership, full participation, and leadership, all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, economic status, physical or mental ability, familial status, and faith history. We joyously welcome the LGBTQ+ community — created by God and equal in worth and dignity.
A place for everyone
Events and Happenings