Heart of the Rockies offers a wide variety of outreach opportunities throughout the year.
Pick what works best for you – service that is easy (one time or one hour), relational (regular volunteer opportunity), justice/advocacy work, or financial support.
Housing and Homelessness
Volunteer for Faith Family Hospitality, the overnight shelter program of the Family Housing Network of Fort Collins, by signing up here. Our next rotation begins in April.
Donate to Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity to support the 2025 Common Ground Faith Build.
Kids and Families
Kids at Heart provides respite care for foster, adoptive and kinship families in northern Colorado. Kids at Heart began as a ministry of Heart of the Rockies and is now an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Volunteers are needed to help with Kids at Heart Fundango events. Generally, Fundangos take place two Saturdays a month. A background check is required.
Refugees, Immigration, and Global Justice
Volunteers are needed to help transport members of the "S" family to classes, medical appointments, jobs, etc. Sign up here to help. If you want to be added to the email list for future spots email Pastor Leta, leta@our-saviours.org
A volunteer is needed to coordinate the transportation ministry for the "S" family. Please contact Pastor Leta if you are interested.
Heart of the Rockies is joining our denomination's Call to Action: Contact members of Congress to block sales of military aid to Israel and ask how they will contribute to the end of the war in the Middle East. Click here for additional information.
Rocky Mountain Equality: A Boulder based organization to support LGBTQ+ individuals with resources, programs, and services. Here No Matter What
Attend the monthly Diversity and Inclusion Potluck at church and get to know folks. Potlucks are generally held the 3rd Saturday of each month, at 4 pm in Room 1.