Serving on Sunday Morning
Help make our worship services comfortable and meaningful for everyone. There are so many ways to use your spiritual gifts on Sunday mornings! From being that friendly face that people first see when they walk through our doors, to serving the coffee and donuts after worship, you can help. Most require no particular skills (and we provide training!), but if your gifts are in technology, you are especially needed. Sunday morning tasks include greeters and welcomers, ushers, people to offer communion and offering invitations, communion servers, offering counters, Prayground leaders and more. Contact Richard Austin if you are interested in serving on Sunday morning.
Seasonal Action Leadership Team (SALT)
At Heart of the Rockies, it takes a village to plan, prepare, and implement our worship, study, and fellowship for each liturgical season. Our ministry model seeks to engage more people in deeper ways for the most impact.
In advance of each 6-8 week season (Advent, Lent, Easter, etc.), a small group of people come together to study the upcoming season’s scripture to identify a common thread and develop a theme to center us for the season. We'll chart a course for the season’s shared worship, fellowship, study, and service, partnering with the children and youth ministry teams and the outreach team to ensure we're working together toward our shared mission.
Serving on SALT is a commitment of 5 hours over a 3-month period of planning and implementation with plenty of staff and lay leader support.